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A tool kit of fast effective relaxation techniques for busy people

Mental Health, All Categories

Available in:

Workshop | Webinar


60 mins

"Many of us go, go, go through the day without resting. But research shows that our brain needs to switch between expending and replenishing energy to renew our mental and physical energy.


Learn practical and scientifically proven ways to activate your relaxation response so that you can optimise your thinking, mental wellness, physical health and resilience to life's stressors."

Wellbeing Workshop has over 100 workshop topics to choose from, and not all of them are featured on our website. It can be daunting trying to select the right workshop for your team, so please get in touch if you need assistance. 


We will take the time to understand the culture of your organisation,  any challenges that you may be facing and where you are at on your wellbeing journey.


All our workshops offer relevant and science-backed information that is both practical and thought provoking. Content will be tailored to suit your requirements or created.


Our aim is to get your people thinking about how  to better support themselves both personally and professionally. Offering support and mental wellbeing training opportunities within your organisation, will help you build a healthy workforce and positive workplace culture.


Other great workshops you may like to consider:

Wellbeing Bites Programme

Brilliant Habits

Secrets of the Mind

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